Monday, July 20, 2015

This is another series that I simply LOVE!!!! :) :) :) :) 

J.R.R. Tolkien was a great author. His characters were complete and fun to "be around"/read about. There was a ton of adventure and action. I love the difference of races and kingdoms, and how he had different languages for different races and kingdoms.

Personally I think the people of Rohan remind me of vikings, and the people of Gondor remind me of knights, like in England long ago.

Peter Jackson did a great job at creating the movies. They had the full action pack of the books, and the characters were complete in the movie as well. Nothing was left out or confusing if you never read the book before you watched the movie.

* I recommend this book to everyone :) 

   This book was extremely sad. :(
   It made me bawl like a baby, but I loved every minute of it :)

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas takes place during World War II. It's about a boy who has to move and he makes a friend with the boy who lives behind the fence in his backyard. All the boy knows is that this boy wears striped pajamas and his father works in this fence, and sometimes has dinner with the "president", Hitler. What happens is...... READ IT TO FIND OUT!!!!

This book made me think about all that I have to be thankful for. It made me cry, laugh, and then cry some more. But it was all worth it :) :) :)

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Karen Witemeyer

Karen Witemeyer

  One of my favorite authors is Karen Witemeyer. The first book that I read by her was Short-Straw Bride. I absolutely loved this book! It was about trusting in Gods plan and not just your own. It also was a lot about trust in each other and being humble.

   It's about a girl named Meredith Hayes who meets this boy named Travis Archer who saves her from a trap when she was little. Then, after many years, she returns the favor and goes to the Archer ranch to warn Travis and his brothers about a scheme against them and their land. Then, during the attack..... well, I'll just let you read the book ;)

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